FINALLY! First test with my airbrush, so far, was unused. A bloody week I had to wait to find time to prove it. And I have to admit one thing, I loved to paint with the airbrush, I believe, is the best buy I've made in years, related to the hobby of course. Well, then here are the pictures.
En estas primeras fotos, vereis la preparacion previa que e tenido que hacer para no manchar la parte de dentro, la cual tenía ya pintada anteriormente, y para marcar las lineas del esquema de color.
Estas muestran el tanque antes de haberle hechado la imprimación negra y también, una vez le he echado la imprimacion y le e dado la capa de aerógrafo.
In these first pictures, you will see the preparation that I had to do to avoid staining the inside, which had already painted before, and to mark the lines of color scheme.
These are the tank before it has made the black chaos spray and once I've put the spray and I have given the layer with the airbrush.
These are the tank before it has made the black chaos spray and once I've put the spray and I have given the layer with the airbrush.
Al quitarle las cintas, vemos el resultado, que para ser la primera vez que uso un aerógrafo, pienso que no se a quedado mal del todo....XD
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